Innovation is one of our Strategic Pillars. We interpret innovation as a lifestyle and generate out of the box ideas to solve complex challenges that face our clients. At Asdam, we believe that everyone possesses hidden creativity to unfold to the world, from fresh ideas to new innovations. Through digitalisation, and digital technologies; we have the potential to boost more inclusive and sustainable growth by spurring innovation, generating efficiencies and improving services.

We Work with our clients and partners on building a creative environment that contributes to the creation of innovative products and services and innovative solutions to overcome challenges.


We worked with our client to organize and analyze all input factors to create a series of compelling strategic imperatives serving as the foundation of the customer experience strategy. The strategic imperatives were developed to specifically address the various competitive threats, issues, and opportunities identified throughout the strategy development. The ultimate goal of this engagement is to enhance the international passenger arrival experience and bring the airport in line with international best practices in service operations.